An ideal location for 14 July annual Bastile Day Celebration Welsh Socialist Republicans Rallying at 'La Bastille' in Meanclochog Square:
Maenclochog Community Action Plan
- 10:20
Maenclochog is an important historic area within Welsh heritage and culture.
... A memorialstone was erected in memory of Rev. Joseph James ... - United States - Cached
I quote from above:
The Rev Joseph James mentioned above was a local
Head Master who in the late 1940's led a community
campaign of resistence to the British Military retaining
the Preselli Mountains has a permanant Training Ground
as they were to do on Epynt and elsewhere in Wales. The
campaign was successful and since a memorial has been
placed locally bearing a line by the Poet Waldo Williams;
'He kept the Preslau from the Beast'. A Victory for us to
commemorate for a change, I shall have to go down and
suss location and take a photo of the memorial. I would
have known nothing about this unless I had picked up a
local Visitors leaflet recently at the excellent 'Cafe Becca'
at Efail Wen.
An Annual Rally and Outing to a great area of Wales,
I went down for 'Midsummer Morning' but the bad weather
drove us off the Mountain, so went to Efail Wen instead and
on to Newchurch and Carmarthen. This will help clear your
heads of much Welsh Republican Rubbish, then how's about
great National Welsh Republican annual Commemoration
and Republican Rallies in connection with such as:
Bastille Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fête de la Fédération on the 14 July 1790 was a huge feast and official event to ...On 14 July 1879, another feast took place, with a semi-official aspect; the ...
Also must see in this area is the memorial to campaign against Brit Army seizing Welsh Land on Preseli Mountains, whilst in area why not do this walk and not just enjoy the Countryside but note the unique pub in Rosebush, well worth seeing.
Maenclochog to Rosebush Walk - Walking Pembrokeshire – Coast ...
Firstly, the main walk, from Maenclochog to Rosebush and back again, includes all the features mentioned above and is fairly easy walking ...
No, not big enough for a meeting but very interesting to view before Council Cuts force it to be sold as a potential Holiday Home? Above is a 'Penrose' a Ty Unnos Museum nr Llan-y-Cefn not far from Maenclochog and in Maenclochog is 'La Bastille':
La Bastille
Maenclochog, Clynderwen SA66 7LA Maenclochog, Maenclochog PO (NW-bound, Unmarked)
Once for a short time it housed French Prisoners taken during the Fishguard Invasion. Hence the name and I propose good reason for Welsh Republicans to annually celebrate 14th July 'Bastille Day' in Maenclochog. Welsh Republicans how about kicking off this 14 July 2012. Got a good parking area, large public green plus a pub.
Another Reason For A Combined Commemoration.

I am not sure which Army Camp is being written about here, I guess Epynt and if so that was another Welsh Defeat as Tryweryn was. However, there is a land campaign which was won, that was in connection with British Army seeking to take over Preseli Mountains. Here they were successfully resisted by local people led by the Rev Joseph James whom his recognised today in a memorial at Maenclochog Greenbearing a line by the Poet Waldo Williams:
'He kept the Preslau from the Beast'.
Think On It!